The Marion-Metrich Drug Task Force, better known as MARMET, is charged with investigating drugs and vice crimes within Marion County. Comprised of members from the Marion Police Department, Marion County Sheriff’s Office, and Marion County Prosecutor’s Office, the local drug task force is part of a greater regional unit known as METRICH based out of Mansfield, Ohio and is governed by a Board consisting of Sheriff Matt Bayles, Chief Jay McDonald, and Prosecutor Raymond Grogan.


You can submit a tip to MARMET detectives.

2024 STATS

Drugs Seized in Marion County

Heroin/Fentanyl (grams)

Meth (grams)

Cocaine (grams)




The investigative group known today as the METRICH Enforcement Unit began in 1986 with a goal of reducing the availability of illegal drugs in Richland County. Early in 1986 the Prosecutor's Office and local law enforcement became concerned about the possibility of investigative duplication between the Mansfield Division of Police and the Richland County Sheriff's Office. It was learned that both agencies were planning to raid the same location. As a result of several meetings that followed, law enforcement leaders decided that it would be much more cost effective and safer for Richland County Law Enforcement Agencies to work together on drug related cases. Officers would meet daily, share information and available resources, and ultimately jointly conduct raids and arrests.


Drug Education

Click the link for more information on the drug problem.

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Need help?

Click the link for resources available in Marion County.

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Submit a Tip

Call the TIPS Line at 740-375-TIPS (8477) to leave an anonymous tip or use the submission form below.

If you have a tip about something that is happening now, call the Marion County Dispatch Center at (740) 387-2525. If it’s an emergency, dial 911.

Neither the TIPS line phone number or the responses submitted through this website are monitored all the time. If you submit something, it likely won’t be read until normal business hours, Monday-Friday.

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